Sunday 16 June 2019

Hacked Part 1

Being a long time  Radiohead fan how could I not resist them releasing almost 18 hours worth of 'not for public consumption'  music from the Ok Computer era.   So I bought it and have been listening to it ever since.  This is a blog series of each track, all 18 of them, so buckle in.

The most interesting bit in part one is the first track where two songs used to be one.  Both 'Exit Music (for a film)' from OK Computer and 'Life In a Glass House' from Kid A were at one stage one song.  Though their lyrics were slightly different.  But how fascinating is that?  One song had so many ideas that they had to split it into two and for two very different hours.

Listening to the first track makes me realise how much they work in advance.  One of their new songs is one called 'I Promise' and another called 'Lift', which both have only just been made into music videos in the last year, was written during the OK Computer era.  It must show that they have such a huge back catalogue that they can draw upon it when they need to.

One of things I love about Radiohead is their willingness to experiment within the pop/rock conventions- it just gives them a left field freshness that is unexpected yet appreciated.

There's a version of 'True Love Waits' that is accompanied by an oceanic synthesised keyboard just pulsating between points, which just goes on in a wonderfully trippy way.

Do I wonder if I will get fed up of 'I Promise' since it's played at least three or four times on this track and possibly many more later on.

There's some acoustic songs which I can't identify but just shows Thom playing around with ideas and themes, which I enjoy because I've never heard any of them before.

There'll be bits where Thom talks to the other bandmates and whether or not it's on tape and the like.  I like these bits because it shows them as a working band, trying out material, going back, re-working bits that don't work.  It is much more behind the scenes.

So this is my first blog out of eighteen and like Radiohead I am also going to donate money to Extinction Rebellion by matching whatever my Patreon support is.  If you wish to support me and Extinction Rebellion than come to my Patreon site and donate to me.    

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