Wednesday 3 July 2019

Hacked: Part 2

Turns out this album is perfect to work with as I write in my studio.

Part of the reason for this is what characterises the second part to the Hacked Minidics by Radiohead; namely a meandering nature.  For these songs ebb and flow, going out in long ideas and coming back in repetitions, with no discernible end point or goal.

It's what I'm liking about these behind-the-scenes sounds as it shows a band working on music, re-working songs, and just mainly experimenting with what they have.

A lot of the songs on this part are unheard of.  There's some versions of 'Motion Picture Soundtrack' with haunting synths, there's 'Airbag', and 'No Surprises' with slightly different lyrics to what we now know.

The unknown songs generally tend to be little acoustic riffs with no drums or bass guitar, which reminds me that, especially with the recently released 'Anima', Thom is not just an electro-boy, he can do acoustic songs pretty well too.

But then he is something of a poster boy for geekdom, so know your audience, I suppose.

This part is pretty relaxed though some songs do end abruptly (bit like this blog)- also a joy in these unlike studio albums they can be fairly rough and ready with some surprises.

If you have enjoyed this then please think about supporting me on Patreon where I'll be doing what Radiohead does and matching the amount of money I get from you and donating it all to Extinction Rebellion, which you should join so that we may all survive the extreme climate and keep doing wonderful things like this.