Sunday 21 July 2013

My Ideal Library

My ideal library would be a private one located in a warm country like Spain.  It would be built on the side of a mountain and would house an enormous amount of books.  There would be large windows overlooking the sea or a river and ladders on castors to reach the top of the bookcases.  There would be large tables and sturdy chairs for writing, as well as deep seated comfortable chairs for reading, and it would be well lit.  Drinking water would be at hand constantly and a kitchen would be nearby but food would not be allowed into the library itself.  The library would be sloped and there would be spiral staircases leading to the top sections and levels.  There would be cool shady areas and warm sunlit areas.  There would be a roof garden full of pungent flowers and a chaise-long under a umbrella overlooking the countryside.  There would be a bird house containing tropical birds of many varieties.
  It would be planned and designed by me while enlisting the help of expert builders and craftsmen to bring a polished beauty to house my collection of books. 
  I would spend my time arranging and re-arranging the books to my every whim.  I would periodically invite a writer to come and look at my books and to talk about their work they would be currently writing.
  This is a basic idea and I may well come back to it and elaborate in detail at a later date.  It is, for now, an imaginary place but hopefully one that will become less so over time.   

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