Monday, 12 December 2016

Clare On Stage

It's where you could have been
Speaking my written part
Linking together all the scenes
Learning every line by heart
You are such a darling
Luvvie by trade and instinct
Brought to life by your daring
Neat chains that grasp every link
Hold you step by step into lights
The breathe, seized by the wings comes true
No fierce stage could give you the frights
You are leader and commander of your crew
After a packet of roses by the door
As thanks for your presence perfectly performed.

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Clare In Myth

She was that goddess
Who turned the blaspheming poet
Into a spider undress
Didn't she let them know it?
She is a god of jealously
And divine creativity
Who would compose carefully
For all to see, open sensitively
That she would have no equals
The spider yelped for pain the created gift
Of this event there were no sequels
Opinions against her markedly shift
She is the God I think Clare be
Incarnate of passionate determination, obviously.    

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Clare With Advice

The tough love approach is your take
Make up with family and friends
Pull yourself together, not to break
Be strong and there are ends
I hate to say it but you're right
However I am too stubborn and aching for sense
I cry myself at night
Wish for only your comfort to cleanse
I have trouble putting up with shit
The possibility of us seems dead
A smashed window broken by a brick
I never did want to wed
Forget me and my faults
Leave me to my pain and insults.